Friday, May 13, 2011

Do I have to come out?

So today marks the end of my second week in Kuwait, and I'll say it's been a rough two weeks--three if you count the hectic week I had before I left the States.  I had plenty of time to prepare to come here.  Some only had a week or two whereas I had an entire month to get ready.  But did I make good use of that time?  Not really.  In addition to being a loner I'm also a horrible procrastinator.  So here's what I've been going through the last few weeks. 

Week 1 (Pre-Kuwait): I'll say I spent about half of this time hanging out with friends--going to Buffalo Wild Wings for drinks (did that at least 3 times), playing games, and just hanging out in general. About a quarter of the time I used to get ready to leave my house in someone else's hands and manage my finances from abroad.  The other quarter of the time I spent doing nothing... sometimes walking around the house thinking of all the things I should do before I left, but then going and watching some of my DVR backlog.  Needless to say, I had to do a mad dash the last 24 hours before I got on a plane.  A couple good friends (one of whom is house sitting) came over and spent the night.  I hadn't packed, I hadn't cleaned... I hadn't done most of the things that I wanted to do around the house.  So, I spent the night packing and cleaning and got about an hour of sleep before I got on the plane.  Oh, I forgot to mention that that weekend I had come down with some crazy bug and had spent nearly two whole days in bed (seriously I've never been that sick in my adult life), so I had even less time and was trying to do everything while coming back from the brink of death--excuse the drama.

Week 2 (Getting to Kuwait):  Let me just say that traveling when you're sick is a nightmare.  I was popping Day/Nightquil pills like there was no tomorrow, and whenever the plane would change altitudes my ears would pressurize.  Here's the really fun part: I was so congested that my ears would not pop until maybe an hour after we'd taken off/landed.  However, one good thing about having stayed up all night before I left was that I was already almost completely adjusted to the time difference. So flying sucked, you get the point. 

I get to Kuwait and you could see/taste the dust in the air from their recent storm.  I knew I had to go to the visa counter and get my visitors pass, but what I wasn't prepared for was the ATM in the airport not accepting my card (or maybe it was broken).  So there I was, coming off 24 hours of travel, sick, in a strange country, and no way to get money for a visa.  [Note to self: next time pull out more cash before getting on the plane]  I did have a little cash and some traveller's checks on me, so I got in line at the bank to get some Kuwaiti Dinars.  Well they wouldn't honor my checks, and I really didn't have enough cash left to convert, but a woman behind me in line heard my predicament and offered to give me the Dinars I needed to get the visa.  She was an American but had lived all over the Middle East, so she knew exactly what to do.  I really don't know what I would've done if she hadn't come along to save my butt.  Thankfully, the folks from my company were waiting for me and I had no trouble getting to my flat.

The next few days my post-flu cold came back with a vengeance, and I spent most of that time in bed too.  We had a bit of a dust storm during that time and all I really recall about it was waking up one afternoon and seeing a cloud of dust hanging in the air.  Yeah, there's no way to keep out the dirt.  If you come to Kuwait, you just have to accept it as a part of life. Anyway, my roommate was the greatest.  She had cleaned my room before I got here and had cooked for me.  She even made me chicken noodle soup from scratch when she found out I was sick.  (You're the best T!)

Week 3 (Adjusting):  This last week I really haven't gotten out much.  Between our commute time to work, the long workday, and taking care of necessary stuff like laundry and grocery shopping, and getting enough sleep, I really haven't had time for anything else.  Plus, I'm a big chicken and don't want to venture out on my own in this strange country.  We live in the hood surrounded by dirt (you'd have to see it to understand), so I just don't feel comfortable walking around outside especially after it gets dark.  I don't have my driver's license yet either so I'm at the mercy of those who do.  I do get one day off every week though and my roommate, who has a license, has already helped me get some stuff planned for next weekend.  I'll have pictures and more to tell about Kuwait then.

Things to look forward to:  Shortly I'll be travelling to Jordan to get some medical screening done.  While I'm there I think I'll try to go to the Dead Sea and maybe some other things if I have time.  I hear that you can see Jerusalem across it, but no, I can't go there--not on that trip anyway.  Then sometime this summer I'll be flying back to California for a little mini break; I might try to squeeze in a quick visit with my family in Nebraska.  Finally, this fall I'm planning to fly to Austria to visit my brother who's spending a year studying abroad.  That's the one I'm really looking forward to. 

'Til next time... 


  1. Hey. This is a good read even though it's a rough beginning. I remember feeling like a hermit when we first got to Germany, stuck in a hotel with husband at work and kids in school and didn't know a soul. You know it gets better! I'm a little jealous-always wanted to see The Middle East, if they could stay stable long enough. Hang in there because cookies will be coming! Let me know what else you need/want.

  2. Great to hear about your life, more than you usually share with me.I hope you will take time to update this frequently.
